I became a nutritionist in 2021, inspired by my own health journey. During college, I struggled with major gut health and hormonal imbalances that included chronic bloating, constipation, irregular cycles, and acne. I initially turned to my doctor and OB/GYN for answers, but I kept hitting dead ends—the only solutions they offered were staying on laxatives indefinitely or switching to yet another birth control. Deep down, I knew these were just Band-Aid fixes, not real solutions that addressed the root cause of my issues.
I was determined to find a better way. I started exploring other options and eventually got in contact with a naturopathic doctor. That’s when everything changed. I became fascinated by how food can heal the body, the powerful role of supplements, and the insights functional blood chemistry provides into our overall health. Through this approach, I was able to fully heal my gut and balance my hormones.
This experience had such a profound impact on my life that I decided to become certified and open my own practice. I wanted to be the practitioner I so desperately needed at the beginning of my journey—someone who truly listens, looks deeper, and helps clients find long-term healing rather than just temporary relief.
I work primarily with clients who are in their 20s – 40s. Most often women who are dealing with gut, stress, and hormonal issues. The types of conditions I’ve worked with include:
⁃ Bloating
⁃ Constipation
⁃ Diarrhea
⁃ Mix of constipation/diarrhea
⁃ Crohn’s
⁃ GERD/Acid Reflux
⁃ Painful periods
⁃ Hormonal acne
⁃ Polymenorrhea
⁃ Oligomenorrhea
⁃ Amenorrhea
⁃ Dysmenorrhea
⁃ Chronic Stress
⁃ Cortisol Dysregulation
I have worked with many clients, each having a uniquely different set of symptoms and circumstances. Although my specialty is working with gut and female hormones, I can share with you that even if I haven’t worked with your specific condition, you are not at a disadvantage. In fact, quite the contrary. Here’s why: the human body operates on a fixed set of principles, systems, and processes. When one of the systems becomes dysfunctional, my focus is on discovering ‘why’ the system went out of balance rather than treating a specific condition. I’ve found that once the underlying cause or trigger has been identified, the process of restoring the body back to its optimal function is quite simple!
That said, if your condition falls far outside my scope of practice, I’ll always be upfront and honest with you. My priority is your health, and I’ll gladly help you find a practitioner who is the best fit for your needs.
Although there are benefits of having a conventional doctor to help manage your care when needed, the work I do focuses on improving health rather than managing symptoms. Western medicine is focused on using drugs and surgery to medicate or suppress the symptom, never considering that the symptom is a sign from the body that something isn’t working correctly. It is a much better option, in my opinion, to identify when the symptoms began, try to correlate that with an interfering factor, and then work to restore normal function rather than play ‘Whack-A-Mole’ using medications to suppress the symptoms. My philosophy is rooted in using food as medicine—providing the body with the right nutrients while removing stressors that hinder healing. Our bodies are designed to repair and thrive; we just need to give them the right support.
Holistic nutrition is about supporting the whole person—not just a set of symptoms. It goes beyond food choices to consider lifestyle, environment, stress, and other factors that influence overall well-being. As a board-certified holistic nutritionist, I don’t just focus on your gut or a single hormone test in isolation. I take a comprehensive approach, looking at how all aspects of your life interact to impact your health. Our bodies are multifaceted, and lasting health comes from addressing all the factors that contribute to balance and vitality.
This is the most often the first step in a new client’s healing journey. The Clearing Program is a 42-day gut-healing protocol inspired by the GAPS approach. It uses food as medicine to heal the gut. By focusing on only consuming whole, nutrient-dense foods and eliminating processed and refined foods (such as such as gluten, legumes, dairy, sugar, fruit, and nuts/seeds), we create the ideal environment for healing. Yes, this means cooking and meal prepping will become essential, but it’s all part of the process of nourishing your body at the deepest level.
Unlike a typical elimination diet that just removes triggering foods, The Clearing Program goes a step further. We not only cut out foods that may be damaging your gut but also add in targeted foods and supplements that actively repair and restore gut health. Similar to how a doctor prescribes medication multiple times per day, we’ll use food multiple times a day to promote wellness.
You'll receive:
- A complete guide which includes:
o Grocery shopping lists
o “Good, better, best” lists
o A 1-week meal plan to get you started
o Clearing program Approved recipes
- 1:1 communication with Claire 3x per week via Practice Better Chat
Throughout the 42 days, we stay in close communication. You’ll check in with me every night, and I’ll provide feedback three times a week to keep you accountable and ensure the program is tailored to your body’s unique needs. No two clients go through The Clearing Program in exactly the same way—your journey is fully customized.
The Clearing Program is designed to work for people who are tired of not feeling well and ready to prioritize themselves and do whatever it takes to recover their health. It was created to reverse the downward spiral that so many of my clients’ experience, like waking up in the middle of the night, wondering what’s wrong and why they aren’t getting well. Being someone who is seriously committed and passionate about doing everything I can to improve my own health, I am known to work best with other people just like that.
Consider the work you’ll do with me as a healing adventure, one that will restore your best health. You will be expected to take serious action and follow the recommendations. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of crazy, so if we want a different result, we’re going to have to do things differently. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and my commitment to provide complete support while you finally achieve what you’ve been looking for: better health, a stronger body, and the ability to live life to the fullest once again.
Please know I’m very selective in who I work with, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results they would have signed up for. (This wouldn’t be fair to them.)
The Clearing Program is NOT for those who are very busy and/or unable to invest in their health or are completely reliant on insurance coverage for their healthcare. It’s been my experience that people in this situation typically don’t align with the recommendations I give them and are unwilling to do the work to recover their own health.
If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely ok. There’s no judgement here! Each of us must choose our own health and wellness journey. If, however, you are open to alternative options to restore your health, and finances are a limiting factor, here are a few things that will get you headed in the right direction:
1. Download the free Breaking the Bloating Cycle, which provides a list of simple steps that will help you take action right away.
2. Follow me on Instagram and TikTok where I share tips on how to optimize your health.
3. Sign up HERE for my bi-monthly newsletter, which covers a wide range of subjects and provides additional health-related information.
Doing these three things will really help you get a jump start on your health. When you’re ready, reach back out and we’ll get started. (I’m in no rush and will be here when you need me.). Another type of person I won’t work with (without exception) is one who is persistently negative or a chronic skeptic, as well as individuals who continually make excuses for not doing the work needed to fully address their health condition. If you are one of these people, I gently decline from working together, and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together, and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Is that fair?
Yes, it really does work! In fact, this program was passed down to me from one of my mentors, who used it in her practice for many years with hundreds, if not thousands, of clients. The result of this unique process is very different than what you will find in conventional medicine. Once you begin addressing the underlying causes and create a nutritional environment that allows your body to heal, you will be amazed at how quickly the changes occur. (See Client Testimonials)
You can expect improvements in many areas, including bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux, better sleep, less brain fog, more energy, a reduction in sugar cravings, inflammation, and often weight loss.
Obviously, this depends on the client and how well you follow the recommendations provided for your unique health situation. As you might expect, the more effort you put in, the better the result. That being said, almost all clients see results within the first month and often, within the first two weeks. The results will continue to improve as long as you continue taking the steps necessary to support a healthy and fully recovered body!
To get the best results, follow every recommendation and provide detailed updates. This is not a quick fix or a magic solution—true healing takes time. While some improvements happen quickly, it can take up to a year to see the complete transformation in your health. Depending on how long you’ve been dealing with your health challenge, the Clearing Program may just be the first stepping stone to a road ahead. But I can confidently say that all my clients who have diligently applied every step of The Clearing Program have successfully recovered their health in much less time than they would have on their own, purchasing junk supplements, using DIY strategies, and relying on Dr. Google for advice. I’ve never once had a client go through the clearing program and at the end say or feel like that was a waste of time or it didn’t really work for them.
We’ll start with sending you our extensive intake forms and help scheudle you for a 90-minute Initial Consultation. During this call, you’ll answer any questions I have from your intake forms and we’ll take a deep dive into your health history to uncover potential root causes. At the end you’ll receive a customized plan, which typically begins with The Clearing Program and a targeted supplement protocol as the first step in your healing journey.
Once you complete The Clearing Program, we’ll have a follow-up session to assess your progress and determine the next steps. From there, we’ll continue meeting every 4 to 8 weeks to address any remaining health concerns.
After The Clearing Program, we may also explore additional testing, such as bloodwork, which can provide valuable insights into your progress and uncover any underlying issues that may not be immediately visible.
My practice is 100% virtual, so all consultations take place over Zoom, and we’ll stay connected through Practice Better chat an online HIPPA compliant platform for ongoing support.
Don’t hate me, but most likely, yes—but don’t worry, it’s only for a short time! Anyone can commit to something for 42 days. And just because you're eliminating certain foods now doesn’t mean you can never have them again.
Remember, we’re following the principle of “let food be thy medicine.” To truly support healing, we need to temporarily remove foods that don’t contribute to your recovery. Think of it as a reset—one that will leave you feeling so much better in the long run!
Most of my protocols include targeted supplementation. It's best to expect an additional cost for those. I exclusively recommend professional-grade supplements that have undergone rigorous testing and certification. Since I'm not affiliated with any supplement companies, my recommendations are genuinely based on what I believe will help you reach your health goals most efficiently. If you’re already taking supplements, that’s no problem. During our Initial Consultation, I'll review them with you and advise you on whether you should continue using them or if there are better alternatives to best support your health goals.
You’ll order from Fullscript, an online supplement dispensary that enforces strict quality controls to ensure what’s on the label is in the bottle. However, there are some supplement companies I use that are unfortunately not sold on Fullscript. I'll do my best to ensure all supplements can be ordered from Fullscript. However, if a specific supplement is best suited for you and unavailable on Fullscript, we will order it for you and cover any shipping costs above $9.99.
Yes! People often continue working with me after they’ve had successes with their health. This typically looks like annual or bi-annual checkups just to make sure that they are doing well, and oftentimes we’ll pull a full blood panel just to make sure everything is looking good. I also have clients set up calls in case they are sick or during cold and flu season. They want to know what supplements to stock their holistic medicine cabinet with so that they can have supplements on hand to get them well as fast as possible or avoid getting sick.
Unfortunately, Claire is not able to accept health insurance. However, we do accept HAS/FSA funds, and we do offer payment plans for appointments and The Clearing Program!
Yes, we do accept credit cards!
Yes! Claire frequently orders bloodwork when needed - most often after The Clearing Program. However, if you live in New York, New Jersey, or Rhode Island, she cannot offer these tests due to stricter regulations surrounding functional lab testing in those states.
Yes! Aside from testing, Claire can offer dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations.
At this time, Claire is unable to take on international clients but is accepting clients within the United States! Her practice is 100% virtual, and all appointments are conducted via Zoom.
I love that you’re ready to get your health under control! The next step is to set up an Initial Consultation, which you can do through THIS LINK.
The best way to contact us would be to email info@relianthealthandwellness.com. My team will be more than happy to answer any additional questions you have!
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